How to Legally Change Your Name in Central Colorado

Victims of violence, those getting married, divorced, or filing a declaration in Colorado, and anyone else looking to legally change their name in the state must go through a specific process. This article will provide an overview of the steps necessary to alter one's legal name in Central Colorado. The initial step is to complete the JDF 386 Request for a Change of Name form. This form is used to obtain documents related to identity.

All sections of the form must be filled out completely. Additionally, victims of violence may need to order JDF 426 Publication Order for Name Change and JDF 387 to modify their name and obtain identity-related documents. Individuals aged 14 and older must have a criminal background check based on their fingerprints before they can legitimately change their name. Children and people over 70 must meet other requirements if they want to alter their name. It is important to note that in order to request a name change in a state, you must be a permanent resident of that state. To transform your name in Colorado, you must notify the state through the Department of Revenue's Motor Vehicles division.

The parent of the child, on behalf of the child, files an application to change the child's name in the county or district court of the child's county of residence. In summary, amending your legal name in Central Colorado involves completing the JDF 386 Request for a Change of Name form, ordering JDF 426 Publication Order for Name Change and JDF 387 if necessary, having a criminal background check if you are aged 14 or older, and notifying the state through the Department of Revenue's Motor Vehicles division.

Andrew Clingingsmith
Andrew Clingingsmith

Hardcore coffee guru. Passionate beer evangelist. Incurable bacon enthusiast. Avid social mediaholic. Friendly internet trailblazer.

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